The Power of Collaboration
Over the years, I've had the privilege of collaborating with amazing people from diverse industries. I'm proud to partner with these companies and organizations to differentiate their brands and elevate audience engagement and experience.

FOOD & BEVERAGECatoctin Breeze VineyardClean Green SimpleLinganore WinecellarsLucky D. Distilling Co.Ol' Charm Vintage Tap TruckPursuing PinotThe Tasting RoomVentiSei Winery CREATIVE ARTS & ENTERTAINMENTBmore GrandJeffrey Morris PhotographyJessica Neumann PhotographyMajestic TheaterPianist Paul Warthen HOME & GARDENBuds Plant BoutiqueJR Captial BuildNaturaLawn of AmericaPlantjoyStadler NurseriesWarthen Team Real Estate Teams BEAUTY & COSMETOLOGYDash Hair StudioWinks Lash Lounge
APPARELBankaboxKentucky HugMaryland Clothing Co. HEALTH & WELLNESSAnxiety & Behavioral Health CenterAterra NutritionCenters for Advanced OrthopaedicsEmpower You TherapyFree State Health & WellnessToothman OrthodonticsQueue Aligners CORPORATE & SMALL BUSINESSCarey InternationalClickseedFrederick Sign & Banner Co.HR AnswerboxMesquite Road ConsultingProffitt & Associates Architects FINANCEACNB CorporationBaviello Investment ManagementPNC Wealth ManagementVeridian Capital Partners
GOVERNMENT & MILITARYCamp David Presidential RetreatCity of FrederickFrederick County Public Libraries NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONSAmerican Advertising FederationAAF-District TwoAAF-Greater FrederickAAF-New YorkGoodwillMaxwell For LifeTeam HopeVPPPA EDUCATIONJohns Hopkins UniversityMontgomery CollegeMount St. Mary's University PUBLISHING HOUSESHolt, Rinehart & WinstonHoughton Mifflin HarcourtMcGraw HillPenguinPrentice Hall