Communication Arts magazine, a professional journal for those involved in creativity in visual communications, has published the results of its 61st Annual Design competition, the most exclusive major design competition in the world. Of the 2,947 entries submitted to the competition, only 126 winners were selected by a jury of ten respected creative professionals, representing the work of designers, art directors, design firms, agencies, publishers, and in-house creative departments.

Lisa Sirbaugh Creative (formerly Lisa Gorham Creative) was among the 126 entries selected for inclusion, winning in the category of Trademark Design for Clean Green Simple, a respected online resource for people interested in eating healthy and clean, and minimizing their impact on the plant.

I thoroughly enjoyed seeing a broader range of entries from smaller, more independent studios. It was also great to see the representation of smaller clients with smaller budgets where creativity really has the opportunity to shine.


The selected projects are handsomely reproduced in Design Annual 61, the September/October 2020 issue of Communication Arts, both in print and digital editions, and online at With the largest international circulation of any trade journal on visual communications, having work selected is considered a significant professional milestone to the creators and publishers of these award-winning projects.

Communication Arts journals are an essential part of any designer’s studio and their Design Annual is considered to be one of the most exclusive major design competition in the world. It’s incredibly humbling to have this work recognized in the Trademark category, and a huge honor to be featured alongside such extraordinary creative talent.


Communication Arts is a professional journal for designers, art directors, design firms, corporate design departments, agencies, illustrators, photographers and everyone involved in visual communications. Through its editorials, feature articles and the annual competitions it sponsors, CA provides new ideas and information, while promoting the highest professional standards for the field.

Now in its 61st year, CA continues to showcase the current best—whether it’s from industry veterans or tomorrow’s stars—in design, advertising, photography, illustration, interactive and typography. Everything is reproduced with quality printing and attention to detail unmatched by any trade publication anywhere.


The 2020 Communication Arts Design Annual Jury
Cara Ang, Design Director, Asylum, Singapore
Tad Carpenter, Partner/Creative Director, Carpenter Collective, Kansas City, MO
Vince Frost, Executive Creative Director, Frost*collective, Sydney, Australia
Renata Graw, Design Director, Normal, Chicago, IL
Gareth Howat, Founding Partner, hat-trick design, London, United Kingdom
Samia Jacintho, Creative Director, CASA REX, São Paulo, Brazil
Arutza Rico Onzaga, Creative Director, Arutza Design Studio, Bogota, Colombia
Sarah Moffat, Chief Creative Officer, Turner Duckworth, San Francisco, CA
Kevin Shaw, Founder, Stranger & Stranger, New York, NY
Dylan Staniul, Principal/Creative Director, Burnkit, Vancouver, Canada


Lisa Sirbaugh Creative (formerly Lisa Gorham Creative) is a multi-disciplinary branding and graphic design studio focused on delivering dynamic and engaging brand experiences.

Elevate and empower your company or organization by framing your brand for success and longevity. It all begins with thoughtful strategy, purposeful creativity, and exceptional execution.